Sound Energy
WAV files | 606 files | 625+ sounds | 24bit / 96kHz | 6.3 GB
WAV files | 606 files | 625+ sounds | 24bit / 96kHz | 6.3 GB
Energy — это ваша новая звуковая библиотека.
When you need a few more electricity elements in your toolbox, Energy has got you covered. A supreme collection of everything
from electricity, power ups, shockwaves and sparks, to force fields, zaps, electrical loops, and plenty more.
If you need some extra power in your productions and want to impress, Energy is your new go to sound library.
Featured Categories:
Energy Loops (Start, Loop, End)
Electricity Sparks
Electric Impacts
Energy Weapons
Special Powers
Whooshes and Passbys
Energy Foley
Lightning Elements
Power Ups
Power Downs
Source Tool Box
Create your own sounds from scratch