Stalker Photoshop Action
Minimum Adobe CS Version CS3| Created 28 May 15 | Add-on Files Included Photoshop ATN | Works With PSD | Size 1,06 MB
Minimum Adobe CS Version CS3| Created 28 May 15 | Add-on Files Included Photoshop ATN | Works With PSD | Size 1,06 MB
info: http://graphicriver.net/item/stalker-photoshop-action/11606598
Stalker Photoshop Action
Create this highly detailed, advanced looking effect from your photos with no work at all. Just brush over your photo and play the action!
The action is tested and working in Photoshop (English versions) CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC.
The action is only working in English versions of Photoshop.
If you are using another language, you can easy change it to English in this way. After you play the action, you can change it back to your native language.
How do I combine actions?
1) Run the first action on your photo.
2) When you finish with customizing the design, save your image.
3) Now re-open your image and run another action!
You can then use the 2nd actions layer flexibility to further customize the design. In this way you can build incredibly detailed, advanced designs with no work at all.