700 Video Creation Suite V2 - Presets Package After Effects & Premiere Pro (Videohive)
Add-on Files Included .ffx, .prfpset, .prproj, mogrt | After Effects Version CC, Premiere Pro CC & above | Resizable | 2.4gb
Add-on Files Included .ffx, .prfpset, .prproj, mogrt | After Effects Version CC, Premiere Pro CC & above | Resizable | 2.4gb
Do Your Job Faster, Better, Clean Just Drag and Drop presets! This is Light Leaks & Bokeh Vol 1 This Pack contains 700+ Full HD ready to use light leaks and Bokehs, snows, particles, lens flare, lut color corrections. Very simple to use. Drop it over your current footage & composite using Add or Screen blend modes. They can be used alone or combined with each other Change the opacity for the softer look.. you can use it on Any Video Editing Softwares such as Adobe Premiere, Vegas Pro, FCP etc
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