4K NextGen Resizable Statistics Charts & Infographics Pack Two - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS5 and above | 1920x1080 | 25 December 15 | No plugins | 32MB
After Effects Version CS5 and above | 1920x1080 | 25 December 15 | No plugins | 32MB
Video Player
All the included charts come with full customization one-click controls:
Define Chart’s Width and Height,
Define Y Axis Minimum and Maximum values,
Chart’s Colors Controls,
Selectable Animation Type,
Animation Duration Control,
Customize Grids, Lines and Bars,
Selectable Thousans Separator,
Define Digits Number and Decimal separator,
One-click Editable Unit Symbol,
One-click Unit Symbol Position (prefix/suffix),
Texts and Background Colors.
and more…
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