All in One Motion, Transition, Parallax, Expression ToolKit - After Effects Scripts (Videohive)
Add-on Files Included .ffx, .jpg, .jsx | Resizable | 27 March 19 | 2.20gb
Add-on Files Included .ffx, .jpg, .jsx | Resizable | 27 March 19 | 2.20gb
Video Player
Next modules are included in MotionSkill
• Library of ready transition
• Transition Composer
• Parallax builder with several parallax types
• Fast transform tool (randomizer, additive transform, fast align)
• Glitch presets and expressions
• Sound Library
• Expression Helpers
• Camera tools
• Responsive speed ramps
• Bulk Align tool
• Graphic Essential fast converter
• VR Transitions
• Particle Transition Composer
• Fast Loop Builder
• Procedural animation builder.
Parallax Builder
There are many good parallax builder on market, but all of them require a lot of time for
setup, importing separate projects in your scene and have slow speed. Now, you can
spend your time for ideas and not for setup. Just choose layer on timeline and make a
click. Parallax layers will be placed according to borders of your layer. Easy and fast,
but very flexible in the same time. Enjoy also our camera tools for fast and easy
animation of camera movements and dynamic focus. Next parallax modules are available:
• Scale parallax (layers will be scaled according to distance to camera)
• Offset parallax (layers will be placed with increasing offset in Z-axis)
• Shape parallax (layer will be divided by shape and placed with offset to make depth effect)
• Extract parallax (layer will be divided by channel’s luminosity)
• Multiple Mask Parallax (add multiple masks on layer and add offset)

Video overlay library
More than 20 video overlays with alpha channels. Static and animated. We plan to add
new each week. Buy plugin now and get access for all future updates and more than
100 unique video shots with more than $2000 value.

Particle Effects
We added several great possibilities to use particle system: with native After Effect
effects and as controller of Trapcode Particular. All effects are fully procedural and
gives you unlimited possibilities. You can combine them with other modules, for
example, channel and wipe transitions.

You can choose speed, direction, size, duration, air parameters. It was never been so
easy to experiment with layer’s particles and create different reveal and dissolve
effects. Just one click as many other things in MotionSkill plugin. See how it works
Fast transform Tool
To speed up your work, we added several fast transform tools. All of them support
keyframe creation and you can use them also for motion effects
• Randomizer – for bulk randomization position, rotation, scale and timeline
• Bulk Changer – for fast changes in any PRSO and timeline with additive mode
• Fast position. Similar to “Center in view” option of After effects but with many choices
Check examples how you can use them or see video how to use it

Speed Ramp Presets and effects
One of bad thing in After Effects is that it doesn’t rescale layer timeline when you
change time of layer. Now, with our special presets, you don’t need to do this because
presets is totally responsive and fit layer’s timeline. Add cool speed ramps effects with
one click.

Essential graphic converter and Premiere Pro Support
You don’t need to use dynamic link now and switch between programs. Just convert all
plugin’s panels to Essential graphic and you can control your scenes from Premiere
Pro. It works not only for MotionSkill effects, you can add also any supported
properties to Essential graphic panel with one click.
You can also change some parameters and convert all changed properties to Essential
Graphic for more easy controlling of your complex scenes
Procedural Masks, reveals, dissolves
Control speed, dissolve effect, contrast. All of these are fully procedural and can be
applied to layer or as adjustment
Expression helper and procedural custom animations
You can use MotionSkill not only for inner effects, but for any effect which can have
expressions. Choose any property and add expression controllers. Custom easing,
elastics, wiggle, sine and even custom animator for any effect. No need for keyframes.
Just choose place where to start and apply our helper.
Seamless Loop maker – make infinite loop video from any shots for
Instagram and Facebook
Instagram and Facebook
Just choose layer, place timeline point where you want to have crossfade effect
and make one click. See Before and After in example
and make one click. See Before and After in example

Ready transitions
If you need some ready trasition between two layers – use our special Ready
transitions. Choose duration and easing. You can control also point, direction, strength
and many other parameters for EACH layer separatelly. Of course, you can apply other
modules, add other objects in scene and change any parameter because all transitions
are NOT hard coded in precompositions. You have full access and full freedom in all

Transition Composer
Transition Composer is library of more than 200 effects. Main difference between
Transition Composer and other transition plugins is that we use native logic of After
effects without precompositions and importing projects. So, you have full access to all
keyframes, easing, graph editor, stretching. In the same time, all effects are very
flexible and have control panels and strength editor.

You can add all transitions directly to layer, as adjustment layer, as effect to copy of
layer. You can choose place of transition: in end of layer, in beginning, in custom point,
on whole layer for constant transition. You can select multiple layers and add effects
with random value by range to add organic effects.
This allows you to use Transition Composer for wide range of purposes: for Video
transitions, for motion graphics and even for UI and website presentations. And, of
course, you can mix them together and with other modules of MotionSkill
Align layers, Smart Layers and other helper tools
And this is not all. We added many special helpers to organize your scene
• Align Tool – choose multiple layers and align them to each other
• Smart Layer tool – allows to add null, adjustments which cover duration of selected layers
• Smart Position – place layer exactly in special position of your composition
• Sound Library
• Glitch presets
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