Transitions 18967340 v5.3 - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CC.2014.2 & above | Resizable | 31 May 2019 | No plugins | 615 mb
After Effects Version CC.2014.2 & above | Resizable | 31 May 2019 | No plugins | 615 mb
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Полностью рабочая 100% проверенная версия-описание в архиве
Fully working 100% tested version-description in the archive
• Added 100 new 3D-Box transitions (100% resizable and work without any
• Updated the Motion Bro extension to version 2.2. Changelog

Over 1600 dynamic After Effects transitions for any video projects! Make your video
visually interesting and amazing quickly, conveniently and effortlessly! Slideshow,
trailer, promo, music clip, broadcast, movie, documentary film or presentation – every
your project will be far more fascinating, dizzying, and professional!
Lift your videos to the next level! Add to your video editing tools these super cool
Target-Zoom and Pan transitions!

[b]Technical requirements
• To use the Motion Bro extension, requires After Effects CC.2014.2 or
higher. Watch tutorial
• To use presets without an extension (drag-and-drop method), requires After
Effects CC.2014.2 or higher.
• It is possible to use presets in Premiere Pro, using Dynamic Link. Watch tutorial

Additional Glitch Transitions

All Related Packages
How does it work
Handy Seamless Transitions have been carefully crafted so that they are super-easy to
use for all skill levels – simply place a transition-layer at the junction of the two scenes
and everything is ready to roll.
All transitions work without the need to do Pre-compose or Media Placeholders.
Transformed any content, that is placed underneath the transition layer.
Check it out in this short How-to-Use video!
Free Handy Extension

What is included in the project
The project includes two items, for different methods of using it – with a Motion Bro
• Motion Bro Extension (requires After Effects CC.2014.2 and higher)
• The bonus Glitch package, which includes some transitions from the package
Glitch Handy Transitions
• The bonus Split package, which includes some transitions from the package Split
Handy Transitions
• Script for quickly change the resolution of the transitions for your project (required
only for manual method)
• Sound effects pack. A unique sound is located in each transition-layer
• Over 1600 dynamic transitions
• Supported any resolution up to 4K – above 4K is also possible for most transitions
• Supported any aspect ratio regardless of orientation – portrait or landscape
• Without media hodlers (adjustment layers system)
• Animation speed control in real time
• Ability to move a Zoom and Spin Target
• Ability to change direction of the slide, for transitions from SIMPLE pack
• Ability to use in Premiere Pro (via the Dynamic Link). Tutorial
• Does not require advanced skills in After Effects
• Free Demo Presets
• Free Sound FX Pack
• Music is not included.
Update 5.3 (2019-03-16)
+ Added a new category of transitions: 3D-Box (100% resizable and work without any placeholders)
+ Updated the Motion Bro extension to version 2.2
Update 5.1.1 (2019-01-11) - Fixed transitions from the "Particles" category that worked incorrectly at resolutions other than 16x9
Update 5.1 (2018-10-24)
+ Fixed an expressions error that appeared in After Effects CC.2019
+ Updated the Motion Bro extension to version 2.0.1
Update 5 (2018-09-17)
+ Release of the new version of the extension - Motion Bro 2.0
+ Added new categories of transitions: Parallax Pan, Scale Stretch, Diamond Lens Zoom, Kaleidoscope, Pan Shake, Zoom Shake, Spin Shake
Update 4.6 (2018-04-04) - Added a new category of transitions: Split
Update 4.5.1 (2018-04-03) - Fixed transitions from the category "Particles", which did not work correctly in a resolution other than 1920x1080
Update 4.5 (2018-04-03)
+ Updated the Motion Bro extension to version
+ Added a new category of transitions: Particles
2018-03-23 - Updated the Motion Bro extension to version
Update 4.0.1 (01-24-2017) - Fixed transitions "Camera Flight", which broke in portrait orientation of the composition
Update 4.0 (01-12-2017)
+ Adapting all HST-transition for a new extension - Motion Bro
+ Added a new category of pan transitions: Simple. For these transitions have ability to manually change the direction of slide
+ Added new categories of transitions: Glitch, Flares, Film
Update 3.3.2 (04-29-2017) - Added a temporary solution - HST Script (CC.2017), for After Effects CC.2017, in which, in rare cases, the extension panel of HST Script has stopped displaying
Update 3.3.1 (03-30-2017) - Fixed bugs occurring in some transitions when using non English version of After Effects
Update 3.3 (03-25-2017)
+ Added new transitions - Lens Zoom
+ Fixed transitions that had an error in the 4K resolution - "Motion Tile cannot allocate a buffer larger than 30000 pixels [...]"
+ Fixed some transitions that had a slight blurring at the end
Update 3.2 (03-16-2017)
+ New feature - Time Stretch tool
+ Fixed minor bugs in some translations
Update 3.1 (03-05-2017) - Smoothed Motion Blur for most transitions
Update 3.0.3 (03-01-2017) - Fixed minor bugs in the HST Script
Update 3.0.2 (02-25-2017) - Added the ability to animate Anchor Point for Target Zoom
Update 3.0.1 (02-23-2017) - Fixed a bug due to which the HST Script v.3.0 is not displayed in the Extensions
Update 3.0 (02-23-2017)
+ Added new transition, including a new category: Distortion Power Zoom 2, Distortion Zoom 2, Glitch Overlay, Flares Overlay,
+ The new version of the script panel - HST Script v.3.0
+ New feature – Target Zoom
Update 2.5.2 (02-05-2017)
+ Fixed transitions with a resolution different from 1920x1080, that are not working correctly in version After Effects CS5.5 and CS6
+ Fixed Zoom Center, in transitions with a resolution different from 1920x1080
Update 2.5. (02-02-2017)
+ Added new transition, including a new category: Distortion Zoom Chromatic Shift, Distortion Zoom Skew, Fisheye Layer, Glitch Rewind, Stretch Swinging, Simple Fade
+ The new version of the script panel - HST Script v.2.5
Update 2.0 (01-05-2017)
+ Added new transitions, including a new category: Distortion Hyper Zoom, Glitch Strips Slide, Perspective Edge, Kaleidoscope, Stretch, Pixel Zoom
+ The new version of the script panel - HST Script v.2.0
Update 1.1.2 (12-13-2016) - Fixed all not universal expressions.
Update 1.1.1 (12-09-2016) - Fixed a bug with the lack of motion blur, that sometimes appear under the marker "Cut", when using the "Time Stretch" option, or a frame rate of more than 25 fps.
Update 1.1 (12-05-2016) - in each Transition-Comp added Sound FX layer.
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