TypeX - Text Animation Tool | Magical Particles Pack: Handwritten Calligraphy Titles - Project & Script for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CC (12.2) & above | 1920x1080 | 4 November 2018 | Trapcode Particular v.2.2.5 or later required | Helpful documentation | 525 mb
After Effects Version CC (12.2) & above | 1920x1080 | 4 November 2018 | Trapcode Particular v.2.2.5 or later required | Helpful documentation | 525 mb
Video Player
TypeX - мощный инструмент, который позволяет вам создавать высококачественные анимированные заголовки одним щелчком мыши. Вы можете использовать предоставленный пакет названий или создавать свои собственные. Просто выберите пресет из библиотеки и нажмите кнопку «оживить». Вы можете легко изменить стиль анимации, цвета, продолжительность, стиль warp и многое другое. Сделайте анимированные заголовки для своих проектов легко и с удовольствием.
TypeX is a powerful tool, that let’s you make high quality animated titles in a one click. You can use a provided pack of titles or create your own. Just choose the preset from the library and click the “animate” button. You can easily change the animation style, colors, duration, warp style and much more. Make animated titles for your projects easily and with pleasure.
Project Features:
• Trapcode Particular vesion 2.2.5 or later REQUIRED!
• TypeX Script v1.5. You can quickly create and edit titles from anywhere in your project.
• 12 animation presets
• 6 titles scenes
• Only Great Vibes font. (More fonts will be added in next updates)
• Only Latin Alphabet (94 Glyphs)
• In and Out animation
• Multi-line text
• Font size up to 300px
• Easy customization. Change colors, fonts size, tracking and more.
• FullHD resolutions.
• After Effects CC (12.2) or later.
• Universalized expressions (works with any AE’s language)
• Helpful documentation
• Music is not included.
11/03/2018 v1.5.1
- Fixed an expressions error that appeared in After Effects CC 2019
- TypeX Script updated to version 1.5.53
05/25/2018 v1.5
- TypeX Script updateted to v1.5.51
- Added version for Particular 3.3.1
- Font animation updated
- Lift time of particles extended by 1 sec
- Particular effects updated
04/26/2018 v1.0
- Initial release
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