VideoHive - E3D: Metal Shaders for Element 3D - 4652664
After Effects Version CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | 1920x1080 | Element 3D v1, Element 3D v2, Element 3D Pro Shaders | 653MB
After Effects Version CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | 1920x1080 | Element 3D v1, Element 3D v2, Element 3D Pro Shaders | 653MB
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Content of Package:
This project comes in 3 different version.
Project file with pre-rendered Optical Flares
Project file for owners of the Optical Flares plugin
Project with Magic Bullet Looks from Red Giant
Project overview:
Created in Adobe CS5 But the materials can be used in any version of After Effects
46 metal shaders presets
FullHD resolution 1920×1080
Spoken Video tutorial
Element 3D is required
3D Objects are included
Music is not included but can be found here
Included tutorials:
01. Getting Started
02. Creating Titles with the E3D Shaders
03. Preview Video Overview
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