Videohive - Colorful Modern Slideshow - 21382559
After Effects Version CC, CS6 | 1920x1080| No Plugins Required | 78MB
After Effects Version CC, CS6 | 1920x1080| No Plugins Required | 78MB
Video Player
Project features:
No plugins required
Modular structure(duration can be shorter or longer, as you wish)
17 Media Placeholders(+30 placeholders in Begin Composition)
17 Text Placehoders
Very easy to use – just put your photos on placeholders and edit text layers
HD 1080p |60fps, 30fps
CS6 compatibility
Ability to open the source files in any language (ExpressionUniversalizer)
Well organized & easily customizable template
Modular structure
Trendy and modern design
Fonts, music and photos are not included
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