Love Story - Незабываемое время любви в нашей жизни! After Effects CS5 и выше. Продолжительность: 1:56. 12 заполнителей для фото. Озвучка включена. Плагины не требует. Разрешение 1920 × 1080.
Love story!!!
Unforgettable time of love in our life!
After Effects Project Files CS5
Duration: 1:56
12 placeholders for photo
Sample music: Yes
Font: http://fontzone.net/font-details/Vladimir+Script/
Alpha Channel: Yes
Requires Plugins: No
Resolution: 1920×1080
Help included
Photo in preview not, include in loading. You can insert the sound, photo, for this purpose in a folder (sound),(Photo) replace them with the files.