Videohive: Circle Broadcast Pack - 10935959 - Project for After Effects
After Effects Version CC 2014, CC, CS6 | 1920x1080 | No Plugins Required | 1.130GB
After Effects Version CC 2014, CC, CS6 | 1920x1080 | No Plugins Required | 1.130GB
Video Player
Project description:
This is a 3d rendered based broadcast template with fast color correction and very handy customisation.
Project contains:
Loopable Background
Top right corner Logo
Lower third (one and two lines text pressets)
“Today” title (“Today” is customisible text layer)
“Next” title (“Next” is customisible text layer)
Left Side title composition
Right side title composition
Schedule (text is fully customisible)
Side Transition Bumper
Center Transition Bumper
Project features:
1920x1080 / 30fps
Rich details
No plugins required
Videotutorial is included (project overview, importing your content, recoloring)
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файл доступен только за дополнительную плату и не может быть скачан даже премиум пользователем. Или же можно стать VIP Пользователем и скачивать бесплатно на большой скорости.
the file is available only for an additional fee and cannot be downloaded even by a premium user. Or you can become a VIP User and download for free at high speed.
Чтобы стать VIP Пользователем нужна регистрация на сайте, стоимость регистрации 20$, для этого нужно написать на почту ae-project.su@mail.ru
To become a VIP User you need to register on the site, the registration fee is 20$, for this you need to write to the mail ae-project.su@mail.ru
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