Videohive: Circle Slideshow Presentation - 9158962 - Project for After Effects
After Effects Version CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC | 1920x1080 | No Plugins Required | 2.8 MB
After Effects Version CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC | 1920x1080 | No Plugins Required | 2.8 MB
Video Player
Project features:
Modular structure
Up to 30 slides with only drag and drop action
Easy to set up for an infinite number of slides
Variable duration of each slide from 3 to 10 seconds
No plugins required
Full HD resolution (1080p)
Duration – 01:20 sec
After Effects CS5 and above compatibility
PDF step by step help
Footages and music track are not included
Music you can find here: Inspirational by Andrew_G
Fonts links you find in help file
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the file is available only for an additional fee and cannot be downloaded even by a premium user. Or you can become a VIP User and download for free at high speed.
Чтобы стать VIP Пользователем нужна регистрация на сайте, стоимость регистрации 20$, для этого нужно написать на почту ae-project.su@mail.ru
To become a VIP User you need to register on the site, the registration fee is 20$, for this you need to write to the mail ae-project.su@mail.ru
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